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What’s trending in the food world in 2022

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New year, new food habits! Read on for the culinary trends to watch in the next 12 months.


What’s on your plate?

People are showing an increasing interest in knowing more about the food they’re eating, both at restaurants and from the grocery store, beyond just dish names and ingredient lists. We want to know how and where our vegetables were grown, what kind of diet our chicken was on, and whether our meat was responsibly sourced [›››]. Like never before, consumers are looking for trust and transparency in their relationships with the food industry, so we find it important that you know as much as possible [›››] about our products!


Going zero waste

In recent years, many Quebecers are choosing a zero waste lifestyle. Whether it’s by shopping at local businesses [›››] that limit their production impacts, revisiting their cooking habits to reduce food waste [›››] or just buying less in general, people are growing more and more intentional about how they live, and we’ll see even more of that this year.


Cooking made easier

People want food that is the freshest it can be, with as little processing as possible, and all of our products and recipes are developed with that in mind. Gone are the days of recipes filled with complicated, hard-to-find ingredients. Nowadays, it’s all about fresh, accessible [›››] and simple recipes that shine a spotlight on basic ingredients.


The story behind each dish

In 2022, storytelling will be just as important as transparency. The story behind a dish, the origin of a recipe, the producer’s background [›››] — you want to know and we want to tell you. All our products are steeped in tradition more than 100 years in the making!


Buying local

ve had to stand together, and we’ve shown solidarity in so many ways, down to our consumption choices. We’ve turned to local producers [›››] for our bags of farm-fresh produce and baskets of meat and dairy products. And by doing so, not only do we support our local economy, but we also get better, more sustainable and more environmentally friendly products. We are proud to say we’re not new to this trend: for several years now, we’ve offered a wide range of local products, in addition to our own line of duck products.




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